EADE visited the (The Engineering Week) exhibition, which was held at Mosul University in cooperation between Habitat Organization and Mosul University.

زار وفد من الجمعية الهندسية للتطوير و البيئة-EADE معرض (اسبوع كلية الهندسة) الذي اقيم في جامعة الموصل بالتعاون
بين منظمة الهابيتات و جامعة الموصل.
و في هذا المعرض, عرضت العديد من الشركات الهندسية المتخصصة بالانظمة البيئية احدث تجاربها في العراق بضمنها عرض تقنيات البناء الصديق للبيئة و المواد العازلة و انظمة الطاقة الشمسية التي تحقق مبدأ التمنية المستدامة و اهدافها SDGs التي اوصت بها الامم المتحدة.
كما و عرض في المعرض ملصقات تفصيلية لمشاريع طلبة كلية الهندسة قسم البيئة.
و على هامش المعرض تم افتتاح معرض صغير للرسم من ابداعات طلاب كلية الهندسة في جامعة الموصل.
و يعتبر هذا المعرض اول تعاون واعد بين المنظمات الدولية و الجامعات و الطلبة و الشركات الهندسية من اجل اطلاع الطلاب على واقع الجانب العملي و فهم اليات التنسيق بين الجهات المختلفة و عرض المبادرات الناجعة للشركات لمواكبة التطور و خاصة في مجال البيئة و الاستدامة.
جامعة الموصل
24 حزيران 2021
A delegation from the Engineering Association for Development and Environment – EADE visited the (The Engineering Week) exhibition, which was held at Mosul University in cooperation between Habitat Organization and Mosul University.
In this exhibition, many engineering companies specialized in environmental systems presented their latest experiences in Iraq, including displaying environmentally friendly building techniques, insulating materials and solar energy systems that achieve the principle of sustainable development goals SDGs-2030 recommended by the United Nations.
In this exhibition, many detailed posters of engineering projects prepared by the students of environment department were also presented.
On the sidelines of the exhibition, a small exhibition of draft drawing, created by students of the College of Engineering at the Mosul University, was opened.
This exhibition is considered the first promising cooperation between international organizations, universities, students and engineering companies in order to familiarize students with the reality of the practical side and to understand the mechanisms of coordination between different parties and present the effective initiatives of companies to keep pace with development, especially in the field of environment and sustainability
University of Al Mosul
June 24, 2021

The outcomes of the second Open call for submissions of SDG

نتائج الدعوة المفتوحة الثانية لتقديم الممارسات الجيدة لأهداف التنمية المستدامة:
قامت منظمة الأمم المتحدة للاقتصاد والتنمية الشؤون الاجتماعية (إدارة الشؤون الاجتماعية في الأمم المتحدة) بأدراج مشروع:
(دعم التعافي والاستقرار في العراق من خلال التنمية المحلية عن طريق زيادة الاستقرار المجتمعي من خلال إعادة تأهيل حديقة اليرموك في غرب الموصل في العراق)
والذي قامت بتنفيذه الجمعية الهندسية للتطوير والبيئة ، EADE بدعم من منظمة UN-HABITAT كأحد الممارسات الجيدة لأهداف التنمية المستدامة من بين أكثر من 700 مشروع منفذ في جميع أنحاء العالم بواسطة الحكومات وأصحاب المصلحة من مختلف القطاعات وتتناول أهداف التنمية المستدامة السبعة عشر حيث تم تقييم الممارسات المقدمة بواسطة فريق من خبراءوكالات الأمم المتحدة.
ادخل على نتائج الدورة الثانية من هنا
The outcomes of the second Open call for submissions of SDG good practices:
The project
(Supporting Recovery and Stability in Iraq through local Development by increasing community stabilization through rehab of Al-Yarmouk Park at West Mosul in Iraq)
implemented by Engineering Association for Development and Environment, EADE with UN-HABITAT support, has been approved by The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) as one of SDG good practices among more than 700 completed submissions from all over the world and implemented by governments and stakeholders from different sectors and addressing the 17 SDGs. The submitted practices were reviewed by a team of experts from United Nations entities.
Access the outcomes of the 2nd Open Call here: https://sdgs.un.org/partnerships/good-practices

EADE implemented the project of Rehabilitation of Yarmouk Park in Mosul.

EADE implemented the project of Rehabilitation of Yarmouk Park in Mosul.
The project was a model hybrid project integrated with all its various and different activities, and through that, 12 of the 17 sustainable development goals SDGs were reached, which the United Nations, with all its agencies and staff, seeks to include in its plans and projects in order to achieve them by the year 2030.

ADE conducted awareness campaign in Mosul city to encourage and urge people taking Covid-19 vaccine.

Based on the instructions of NGO Directorate’s General manager Mr. Asharf Abdul-Karim Murad, Engineering Association for development and Environment, EADE conducted awareness campaign in Mosul city to encourage and urge people taking Covid-19 vaccine. The campaign included distribution 1500 leaflets brochure showing the importance of taking the vaccine. Mr. Samir Sadiq coordinator of DNGO at Kurdistan Region also participated at the campaign. The campaign included distributed leaflets at health institutes and centers in Mosul city, in addition to people at markets and neighborhoods.

Thank you UN-HABITAT for your support!



EADE, has achieved and built a successful cooperation with governmental and private educational institutions

In order to achieve the interaction between educational institutions and civil society organizations, as an indicator of the awareness and enthusiasm among the for all parties specialized in education to revive successful scientific initiatives and the desire to support and motivate the educational process in Iraq within the available capabilities forward all under Ministry of Education sponsorship, Engineering Association for Development and Environment-EADE, has achieved and built a successful cooperation with governmental and private educational institutions. One of the best samples is Al-Mobdioon Private school. This school has gained the first prize on the third version 2020 of “Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad International Foundation Insignia’s competition “ . EADE has the proud seeing Al-Mobidoon Private school won the first prize on global level for the project “ The Programmer of the Future Competition for ages under 18” submitted by the school. “Seeing such a global achievements gained by Al-Mobidoon school within its simple capacities, encourage us to provide more support to the educational process” said EADE Director.